
Tradition Begets Innovation in the New Work of Missy Lipsett
Gallery & Studio, April/May 2007

"Don't understand me too easily," Norman Mailer once cautioned in print. And the same warning might be issued to those who would attempt to categorize the artistic endeavors of Missy Lipsett, who it might seem has made a career of diverting interpretation of her work down unexpected avenues."

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Abstract Art Online: Missy Lipsett, Pleiades Gallery

"The initial take on Missy Lipsett’s art is its contradictory physicality. She raises a question that others have raised which is: where is the dividing line between painting and sculpture? Each of these pieces comprises paint applied to canvas and hung on the wall. That makes them paintings, right? Yes, but then there are those thick folds and the play of actual light and shadow across them not to mention the irregular edges which challenge the traditional confines of paintings on stretched canvas. So are they sculpture? Yes, sculpture and painting in which the content for the work is found in the constant struggle between the two."

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Artist Statement 2006-2007
Reviews 2006-2007